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Tyndale University College and Seminary
-Jo (Dat \jn.i£,ndiL. ...
"Holding Forth The Word Of Life" is distinctively the motto of Toronto Bible Col- lege. It was chosen by the founders of the College more than sixty years ago.
The object of T.B.C. ministry, as written into its charter, is to make it possible for young Christian men and women to obtain a thorough training in the knowledge of the English Bible: that they may at all times be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them; that their faith and testimony throughout the world might be read and known of all men.
We believe the Bible to be God's living Word of truth, immutable and eternal. It came unto us by holy men of old who were moved by the Holy Ghost. It is the only message of God to man that deals vdth his past, his present and his future; the only message that brings life and immortality to light, through the Gospel.
The Toronto Bible College, the oldest in Canada, is a bulwark of faith and Christian fundamentals. It has influenced thousands of young men and women to dedicate them- selves to a life of Christian service.
We would invite Christian business men and stewards of the Lord to give whole- hearted support to Toronto Bible College; to share the cost of its present ministry, and lo make possible an increase of its testimony in future years.
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^iilcL^ y\As, O O^ou (§xeai g.Ekouak
Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand:
Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more.
Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters flow;
Let the fiery, cloudy pillar.
Lead me all my journey through:
Strong Deliverer, Be Thou still my strength and shield.
When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside;
Bear me through the swelling current. Land me safe on Canaan's side:
Songs of praises I will ever give to Thee!
OTTOttT- <:SuTe.£t ine. cnyVaniE of ^£.i.ui <^ouna.i.
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear; It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
It makes the wounded spirit whole. And calms the troubled breast;
'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary rest.
Jesus, my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend, My Prophet, Priest, and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring.
Jnz LProaxamnzB
PROCESSIONAL: "Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven"
THE NATIONAL ANTHEM HYMN NO. I : "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" SCRIPTURE: Rev. K. H. Prior, b.s.a., ll.d. ('20) PRAYER: Rev. H. E. Whealy ('42)
STUDENT BODY CHOIR: "Bless The Lord, O My Soul" — Ippolitoff-Ivanof WORDS OF WELCOME: Principal E. L. Simmonds, m.a., b.d. LADIES' TRIPLE TRIO: "/ Walked Today Where Jesus Walked" — G. O'Hara WORDS OF WITNESS BY GRADUATING STUDENTS: Trudy Strauss Craig Cook, a.r.c.t.
MALE CHORUS: "All Hail, Immanuel!" — Chas. H. Gabriel
WORDS OF WITNESS BY GRADUATING STUDENTS: Dorothy Wilson, reg.n. Keith Donald
EVANGELISTIC CHOIR: "Soldiers of Christ, Arise" (an arrangement) —Wesley
HYMN NO. 2: "How Sweet The Name of Jesus Sounds"
STUDENT BODY CHOIR: "Worthy is the Lamb" -Handel
PRAYER OF DEDICATION: Rev. A. P. Lee, m.a., b.d.
HYMN NO. 3: "Help Me, O Lord"
BENEDICTION: Rev. D. A. Loveday ('37)
5. c^eZ/i ^e, O Xoxd
Help me, O Lord, the God of my salvation! Help me. O Lord, to keep my pledge
unbroken ! I have no hope, no refuge but in Thee; Guard Thou my ways, my thoughts, my
tongrie, my heart; Help me to make this perfect consecration, Help me to trust the word which Thou hast
spoken, In life or death Thine evermore to be. TaaX from Thy paths my feet may ne'er
Help me, O Lord! My strength is only weakness;
Thine, Thine the power by which alone I live; Help me each day to bear the cross with meekness,
Till Thou at last the promised crown shalt give.
Terence Keith Amis
Edwiird Nicliolas Boom
Beverley Irene Bratton
Marie Elaine Chapman
Helen Ethel Cooch, Reg.N....
John Paul Fawcett
Murray Martin Graham
Keith Douglas Donald
*Jean Corinne Hudson-
Bachelor of Theology
Home Address Student
Rugby, Eng. Merlin Russel Grove
Vancouver, B.C. Donald Fredrick Irvine — . .
._ Unionville, Ont. Stephen Moe Jung
Weston, Ont. Margaret D. Kirk, Reg.N...
Toronto, Ont. Thomas Swan .
Toronto, Ont. Dorothy Eileen Wilson, Reg.N.
South Mountain, Ont.
Pastors' Course ._ — Brantf ord, Ont. Gerald Scott Jackson .
'Eleanor Jean Barfoot, Reg.N.
Barbara Joan Bycroft
Alan Hugh Miller
*Jessie E. M. Smith
•Joan Christine Stewart..
Christian Education Course
—-Surrey, Eng. *Kathleen June Norris, Reg.N.
Missionary Course
-Calgary, Alta. *Edeltraud Emma Strauss
Lyn, Ont. Mary Jane Tenny, B.A
.—.North Wales *Iva Blanche Weber
..Bathurst, N.B. Gloria Jean Westley
—Toronto, Ont.
Home Address
— Markham, Ont.
.. Waterloo, Ont.
Hong Kong, China
Whakatane, N.Z.
.- Toronto. Ont.
Toronto, Ont.
-St. George, Ont. -Orangeville, Ont.
... Rochester, N.Y. .. Kitchener, Ont. Hamilton, Ont.
Harold Leslie Allen _ _
'Craig A. K. Cook, A.R.C.T...
Garth John Duff, B.A
*Donald Grant Evans
Leonard Harvey Ferber
William Thomas Harland
♦William Thomas Hirons
Freda Muriel Lamb —
John Andrew Lawrance
Lily Mary Majak ..
Albert Erion
General Diploma Course
— Jamaica, B.W.I. *Eileen Dorothy Michel, Reg.N Petawawa, Ont.
Toronto, Ont. Eva Ruth Mills Toronto, Ont.
— Toronto, Ont. *Ruth May Murduck — Toronto, Ont.
- - - Toronto, Ont. June Alice Petersen Toronto, Ont.
..Manchester, Eng. Margaret Grace Scott „ — Toronto, Ont.
— Belfast, Ireland Ronald Linton Sheffield Bellamy's, Ont.
-Willowdale. Ont. *John Wesley Tobey Owen Sound, Ont.
.-- Toronto, Ont. Helen Estelle Trewin, Reg.N. Toronto, Ont.
-Willowdale, Ont. David Earl Wliealy Mexico
Lachine, Que. *Doris Eugenie Wood Arthior, Ont.
Special One- Year Course
Creston, B.C. Willa Marguerite Flook, Reg.N. Doncaster, Ont.
Janet Woodcock, Reg.N — Hamilton, Ont.
Evening Classes
Toronto, Ont. Fred John Booth
—-Toronto, Ont. Ernest William Lane
Robert Bates Snyder..
Martin Reif
Ruth Evelyn Scott
Hamilton, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. -Hamilton, Ont.
E. G. Baker, LL.D.
E. L. Simmonds, M.A., B.D.
G. G. Richardson, C.A.
William Inrig, President
J. H. Hunter, LL.D.
A. E. Armstrong, M.A., D.D.
W. W. Naylor
J. G. Inglis, B.A.Sc.
M. A. Leith
T. G. McCormack
E. C. Robinson
H. W. Bickerstaff
Rev. S. L. Boehmer, D.D.
Andrew Chisholm
G. N. Elliot
I. H. Erb, M.D.
Rev. W. Fitch, M.A., B.D., Ph.D.
The Hon. D. M. Fleming, Q.C., LL.B.
J. S. Gartshore
Rev. G. W. J. Gregson, M.A.
W. T. Hamilton, M.D.
Rev. H. S. Hillyer, B.A., B.Th., D.D.
Herbert H. Lane
Rev. G. T. McAlpine
R. J. McClintock
Rev. R. B. Oliver
Canon J. D. Paterson
Rev. G. C. Pidgeon, D.D., LL.D.
L. Claude Simmonds
C. W. Stephens
S. C. Welby
Rev. E. L. Simmonds, M.A., B.D
Rev. J. Honeyman, B.A., M.Th.
Rev. T. R. Maxwell, M.A., M.Th.
Rev. W. H. Crump
Rev. D. C. Percy
Mrs. J. B. Rhodes — - _
Mrs. T. D. McNeely, B.A
Mr. A. M. Deans, M.C.
Mrs. D. C. (Marguerite) Archibald, M.B.E., M.D.. D.P.H..
Mrs. D. C. Percy, A.T.C.M.-
Rev. D. A. Loveday.-- _
._ Principal
Dean of Students
_ Director of Music
Director of Missions
Supervisor, Matriculation Dept.
Matriculation Dept.
Treasurer, Field Secretary
Medical Advisor
Piano and Theory
Pastoral Theology